Reliance India Mobile
Mobile is not working!

Electronics and household app.

Its been three days that my phone is not working. When I call up Customer Service on *333 the kind of response which I get is so bad that one can not even imagine. First of all, the adviser does not give me the complete information (I wonder if they have got proper Product Knowledge?) I wonder if they have got the complete Product Knowledge.) Every time I am being told that there is some congestion in the network which will be over by 6:00P.M; 7:00P.M; 8:00P.M; and so on. When my phone did not work even after they said time then, again, I called up the customer care service inquiring about the same and then the adviser (Named “Javed”) tells me that the problem has been rectified and I should not face any kind of problem. He starts giving me the INSTRUCTIONS that HOW SHOULD I USE MY OWN TELEPHONE.

Today, 29th May as well I called up the Customer Care Department and told them that its been the third day that my phone is not working then again they narrated me the old story, which was wait till 12:30 P.M. and the phone will start working. I asked to have a word with the Manager and the Supervisor warns me to disconnect my call.

I do not understand that why such a big company is being so UNPROFESSIONAL. This is the MOST UNPROFESSIONAL Service I have ever seen in my life. The most UNRELIABLE service I have ever seen in my life. The Customer Service which does not care about its Customers is not the Customer Service. Customer Service is a face of the Company and if the customer will get such a kind of response then you can wonder that what kind of impact you are giving to the Customers.

There is no care аbout:

1) Customer Satisfaction.

2) Do not know how to TALK to the customers.

3) NO Product Knowledge.

4) Tell lie to the customers, I do not know why?

5) Many more, which I can not even explain.

Company: Reliance India Mobile
Country: India
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