Eureka Forbes
Cheating by sales man

Electronics and household app.


My self B.K.Rout, Deputy Manager (Finance), NHPC Ltd (A Govt. of India Enterprises), presently residing in Patna and regular user of your branded products. I was having with me the Acquaguard Classic since long and due to it's improper functioning I was interested in purchasing a new Water Purifier System of your Company. Some how I got the contact number of one of the agents in Patna namely, Sh. Rajnish Mob No.9304754056. He immediately next day (Sunday) came to my door with Aquaguard Total Infinite. Since, I was more interested in RO System, I was reluctant to acquire the INFINITI instantly without observing the other similar items; he convinced me a lot to take the Acquaguard Total Infiniti that he has brought with him. In fact, he has not guided me properly, not suggested about any scheme for exchanging my old Acqua Classic nor about a better system even if I was interested in paying more for a better RO System. He told me to use the Infiniti for some days and if it become unsatisfactory, he will change that one. Keeping the machine INFINITI in my home he went to send a mechanic for installation within a hour. The whole day I waited for the mechanic and could not do other job since I live alone in my house. After a second call from me the mechanic came and installed the machine when unfortunately, no water supply was there in my house. Instead of waiting, the mechanic went away giving me the instruction how to run the machine when there will be the water flow and with assurance that he will again visit my house on the very next moment. When the water flow starter I did as per instruction but, I found the small leakage of water from the machine. Immediately I complaint over the telephone both the persons but, unbelievably, surprisingly and very regretfully to say that till date even after passage of more than 20 days time, no body could visit my house for a while second time. Since from the very day with my busy schedule I am calling atleast once on every day but the rubbish sales man Sh. Rajnish every time telling me something new story and never coming to me neither personally nor sending any body. I have paid the full amount of Rs. 9500 for the machine but I could not yet get the bill. I spent the money but, could not get a single bottle of pure water till date. Your sales man is still assuring me to replace the machine for which I am not using the machine at all rather, just looking after the machine with utmost care. When I was in need of a RO Water Purifier, your people made me a custodian who can only see your brand name every morning and night but could not use it. Just imagine what a horrible situation I am passing through and how can I recommend my official colleagues who wer waiting me to take the water purifier first and then only they could purchase.

In view of above, I request your attention and demand to replace the Acquaguard Total Infinite with another Water Purifier with RO system of your brand immediately. I am ready to bear the extra sum even though I have already suffered a lot.

Company: Eureka Forbes
Country: India
State: Bihar
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