LG LCD cum Monitor
Cheating and Fraud

Electronics and household app.


I have purchased a LCD television cum monitor from LG dealer Techguide (Shop 1 & 2, Aradhana Bldg., M.V.Road, Near Vishal Hall, Andheri East, Tel - 26833666), on 25th August.

There was an offer with this purchase offering a free DTH connection. Have filled all the requisite forms and sent alongwith a DD to the concerned address. Was supposed to receive the connection in 4 weeks. It has been more than 4 months now and still have not received the same. Been continuously following up with the dealer who in turn has directed me to a certain Mr. Dharmendra from LG (Tel - 9820438405). Mr. Dharmendra has been giving vague responses and of late has been completely avoiding my calls. Have called up Mr. Dharmendra nearly 50-60 times.

Have also sent a mail through the LG website around two weeks back, to which have still not received any kind of response.

Details as follows :

LG LCD model - M227WA-PT

Sr. No. - 907NLNC003687

Dealer - Techguide, andheri East

Dealer no - 26833666

Date of Purchase - 25th August

LG Claim form no - 325918

DD - HDFC Bank 950866

LG irresponsible contact person - Dharmendra - 9820438405

Please assist.

Thanking you,

Francis Fernandes

9594095930 / 9323298616

Company: LG LCD cum Monitor
Country: India
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