Motorola Kingfisher EX 128
Bunch of problem

Electronics and household app.


I have Motorola EX 128 i purchased in January. After two days there was problem in touch as well as no backup. So I went to service center to get it repaired. I given them the handset and they committed for one week. I managed without phone and finally they have given my mobile back after three weeks with replaced mother board. However the problem was the same i came to know after the use of one day. I have contacted toll free number so they again directed me to service center. Again they have kept my phone for more 20 days. I got the set back with additional problem of rebooting after every 5 to 10 minutes. Again I approached service center and found they have shifted to some other agency. I found it again and they again kept it for mother board and touch screen replacement, They again took 20 days to give it back to me with rebooting problem.

Again i walked to service center to get repaired again they told me to replace the mother board third time. They have not taken handset this time and replaced mother board (as they stated) after one month. I got the set with rebooting problems resolved but default features missing with back up of 5 hours on stand by.

Service center again shifted to some other agency and they committed me to replace the equivalent handset model or to replace mother board forth time. They have updated software and replaced battery. Again there was problem in applications and video recording and the same initial problem of touch screen. They kept it again with them and finally surrendered but the problems.

I have called toll free many times and they directed me to service center every time.

I have been suffering since approx 10 months and warranty is going to lapse in next two months. I have only this handset so i am facing problem since the period. I request the company to please replace the handset with better type of other equivalent model.


Anoop Kumar Sharma


Company: Motorola Kingfisher EX 128
Country: India
State: Chandigarh
City: Chandigarh
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