Faulty mobile

Electronics and household app.

Product is faulty. The back panel cannot be opened to insert the sim card & the battery. The warranty, IEMI # & manual is not given with the product as promised in the advertisement & on the call. Rude & arrogant executives refusing to help. The product is different. It looks very cheap compared to the sleek mobile published in the advert. I was promised that the product will be replaced within 48 hours but nothing was done. had placed an advertisement in Mumbai Mirror Deal code 1053 VOX IE7 Full touch screen slider mobile with Qwerty keypad for Rs 3999 199 = Rs 4198. The features stated 6 months manufacturer warranty, facebook, games, manual etc. I called their listed phone # 9223451000 / 9223452000. On the call I asked the executive to confirm each detail. The executive tried to force me to confirm the sale to which I refused. Then he confirmed each & every detail including warranty, replacement if product received is damaged, facebook, internet & games, IMEI number, manual alongwith other details. I even informed him that we do get Chinese phones of the same type for Rs 1200 to 1500 but without IMEI number. The executive told me that this is not a Chinese phone & that the phone is manufactured by Naptol company. He also stated that I can ring up the customer care number 24/7 9223516148 / 9223526148. To this I told him that if the mobile is faulty I will not have to go any far away shop to get it replaced. The executive confirmed that a technical person will come to my house in case of any problem. He assured me there is an easy to read manual & that I will not have any problem & there wouldn’t be even a need to call the call center. 3 times during the call he confirmed about the 6 months manufacturer warranty & that a person will come to my house in case of a problem & that the phone is manufactured by naptol. I specified that I want an invoice. He gave me an order # 9496775. I even stated repeatedly that I want a call about the delivery time because I personally want to check the product. To which the executive agreed. Only then I agreed to the sale.

The product came in the evening in a sealed plastic envelop through Amex couriers without any phone call of delivery time or day. I was not allowed to open it & check until I make the payment. I brought Rs 4200 in my hand. The delivery boy seemed educated & gave me Rs 2 and spoke a lot about his & the company’s honesty. I paid Rs 4200 to him. The delivery refused to wait for me to open the parcel saying he had many parcels to deliver. Only when I opened the box I realized that I was cheated. The phone looks cheap with low quality plastic more like a Chinese phone & the photograph in the newspaper is of a very sleek expensive latest model phone. The warranty card has no dealer’s stamp & is just an ordinary printed card with no company name written. The whole card is blank with my details not even written not even my order #. The space where IMEI # has to be written is blank. There is no manual. One small paper is there with the features written in a complicated manner. Nothing about how to insert the battery & simcard or how to use the features is given e.g. Internet connectivity, adding phone #s etc. The slider slides a keyboard which is very small & your fingers also cannot fit on it & it looks more like a toy. The back panel of the mobile does not open. There is no button or any slider to open it. The top part opened slightly but wouldn’t budge further. The entire mobile is of a very cheap plastic & any slight pull you give the entire mobile will break into pieces & so will the warranty. Naptol will then get an excuse that the person opening it has broken it. At around 7:00 PM I repeatedly tried ringing up customer care. All I got was a message stating that the customer care timing is between 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. I rang up the sales # in the advertisement. The executive again assured me that it is not a Chinese cheap mobile & that Naptol manufactures the mobiles. He said that it might have been a mistake that the warranty card is empty. He transferred my call to customer care. I heard the same message of the timing. Early morning I rang up customer care, I heard the executive’s breathing sound & then the executive hung up on me. I rang up sales & informed the executive who gave me the same customer care # & also gave me my order # saying the call cannot be transferred. Again I called customer care to get a very rude and arrogant executive who told me that this mobile is sold to many customers & nobody has complained to us. He even insulted me & told me that I am the only customer who does not know how to use a mobile. I forcibly told him all my problems again about not being able to open the compartment to insert my simcard & battery, no IMEI #, the invalid warranty card, no manual. The executive rudely told me that I can go to any mobile dealer shop & ask them how to open the mobile & how to find out the IMEI #. I informed him that I had approached a nearby mobile shop & the salesman said that since the product was not purchased from their shop nor was it from the companies they are dealing with they are not authorized to guide the customer on another company’s mobile. However, since they knew me they still tried opening the back panel. None of the salesmen were able to open it. To this the executive rudely said that go to a mobile gallery or read the manual. I fruitlessly tried informing him that there is no manual & that why will another mobile gallery person help me if I have not purchased the product from them. He refused to address my issue on the 6 months warranty not given. I told him that naptol has given me a toy in place of a mobile. To this he said you should have checked your product. I told him that delivery boy ran away before I could open it. When I told him I am going to approach consumer forum he told me that I can do what I like. I kept telling him to return my money. He said that he will give me an address where I can return the product & that I will have to pay the delivery charges. I was shocked but I agreed. It was better to lose Rs 200 compared to Rs 4200. I kept asking him to give me the address but he didn’t give me the address. He gave me dead air & then stopped speaking in his rude arrogant tone. He said that a technical executive will come to your house & check your mobile within 48 hours. He kept assuring me repeatedly that within 48 hours my mobile will be replaced. After 48 hours since nobody came I tried calling customer care again fruitlessly. Later on the same day I got a call from another executive thanking me for being their customer & stating that he had no idea that I had any problems with the product. Everytime I spoke to anyone from naptol my landline #, name, address & product details came automatically on their screen & they would confirm the same. I told the executive surely my problem with the product is written on your screen & that I was given an assurance of replacement of the product within 48 hours which are already over. To this he said he doesn’t even know what I am talking about. He then said that since it was told me that since I was assured that somebody from naptol will be coming to your house so that person will surely come. Then he said thank you for contacting naptol & hung up whereas he was the one who had called me. The product was delivered to me on 23/09. I had made the calls on the same day. The assurance of an executive coming to my place within 48 hours was given to me on 24/09. Today is 14/10 no one from naptol has come to my house nor has the product been replaced.

Thank you,

Miss Rashmi Lulla

Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai Suburban
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