Gokul Milk
Adulterated milk


My mother who is staying in Bhakti Park Odysse "B" wing at flat no.602 regularly buys Gokul milk from Radhika store at Bhakti Park, near Imax theatre, wadala. On 11th, because of the festival day, she purchased 3 litres - entire 3 litres got spoilt and next day she purchased 5 litres of milk -first four litres got spoilt and later in the evening - one litre was spoilt in the pouch itself. the last pouch (where in the milk was thick like curd) was dated 11th -normally we trust the shop keeper and not check the date on the pouch which is ofcourse our mistake but what about the 7 litres which got spoilt. One another customer also came with same complaint

when we contacted Radhika store - they were totally indifferent and said they cannot do anything about it and we should speak to the customer care.

we want proper explanation and refund of money or we will have to approach grievances cell for such incidents. More than the money, it is the attitude of the shop which has really offended us who is totally in-sensitive and not bothered about the customers. Yesterday i.e. on 12th evening I spoke to the customer care and spoke to one Mr. Sanjay Desai who promised to visit my mother's at 11.00 am on 13th to attend to the complain, unfortunately and to our disappointment nobody turned up and hence this email.

Awaiting your reply.

with best regards

chandra murthy

Company: Gokul Milk
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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Adulterated AMUL Milk Packets At A Particular Grocery Store

Adulterated with chemicals

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Mother Dairy - Tone Packaged Milk
Seems to be adulterated Milk

AMUL india
Adulteration in Amul milk

Gokul Milk
Inferior quality of milk

Duplicate or Mixed Milk

Cow-milk mixed (by buffallow milk by adding water in the same)
Milk adultration