Hypercity - Hyderabad
Amount charged 2 times for single bill


On 13th Nov, when i did shopping worth 1034.24/- and

used my ABN AMRO (now renamed as RBS india) debit for payment, it got

charged 2 times.

I had visited your hypercity customer center on sunday (14th nov) and they asked

me to send few details which are as below:

This is the bill details:

Cash Memo #: 5846

Cashier: Shekhar

Register: 027

Time: 17:52

My Hypercity Discovery club membership no: 30011 86513

Bill Amount: 1034.24

I sent all these details on "hyp_cyb_somcs@hypercityindia.com". But i didn't got any response back from them. I had got one mobile number of one guy in customer center but talking to him also didn't improve anything.

Now today (20th Nov) i have again visited hypercity and checked the status of my complaint and i found that they still haven't looked at my mail and asked me sent the mail again. this is very bad. still i used computer in customer care center and forwarded same mail again to same mail id. and then they asked me to wait for sometime and the guy who was assisting me went away saying that he will come back soon. but he didn't turned after 15 mins of wait. Now when i asked some other guy from your customer care to contact him, he said he is busy and then i had a big fight with your customer care guys.

Your guys don't know how important customer is and were answering very badly. It's my money so why guys care? who will refund me the parking charges and petrol charges required to come at your store? and still i have to go back without any response and very bad behavior from your customer care people.

I think you cheater guys should keep my money and if need more then please tell me.

To folks visiting to hypercity,

Pray to god that you never get charged 2 times for same bill otherwise be ready to face these cheater hypercity customer care idiots.

Company: Hypercity - Hyderabad
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
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