Aarey Milk
Contamination in Aarey Milk


I Mahesh Borkar residing in Dadar (W) want to inform you that we everyday purchased 3 packets of Aarey Milk. On 13/07 when we boiled milk then i saw that smell of milk was different and may be it contain chemical. When i smelled milk, i felt like vomiting. So i request Maharashtra Govt. to look this matter serious. Because many child also drink this milk. I hope Mahashtra Govt will take proper & strict actions against those who are doing this malpractice.

Thanking you.

Company: Aarey Milk
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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Duplicate or Mixed Milk

Aarey Milk
Overpricing (above the printed price)

Aarrey Energee
Aarey Frenchise at Parla, Hanuman Road, Selling products Other than aarey products. Aarey Products sells at higher prices

Cow-milk mixed (by buffallow milk by adding water in the same)
Milk adultration

Use of poisonus chemicals in milk

Mother diary
Efusal to give milk at 19.55 hrs token milk

Aarey authority
Check naka toll fees issue

Auto Rikshaw
Extremely fast Auto Rikhsaw mete

Synthetic milk

Amul product
Complaint against the bad qualify of amul milk