M/s Central Food Products, Nagpur (Haldiram's Rasgullas)
Dead insect in the Rasgulla bottle


I purchased a bottle of Haldiram’s Rasgullas (10R/278:29.03.10) from the outlet of M/s Chheda Foods Products Pvt. Ltd. (100, Mahalingapuram Main Road, Chennai) at 19:06:00 hrs on the 16th Aug., per Bill No. NG258808. On opening the bottle, I found a dead insect (mosquito?) inside.

I would like to strongly advise all prospective customers to be extremely careful in purchasing packed/bottled items of this brand, especially (as it happened in this case) if the manufacturing/packing date is too old.

I have sent an e-mail to the company (M/s Central Food Products,

Nagpur), but it is difficult to expect any response.

Company: M/s Central Food Products, Nagpur (Haldiram's Rasgullas)
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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