Mayom Hospital, Gurgaon
Gyanecologist mishandling during delivery

Health & Medicine


My name is K.Mastan Rao (mobile: 9899964824), residing in Gurgaon since 5 years in Kendriya Vihar.

I am not sure whether I am approaching correct person/department or not. However I want to complaint about the incident happened due to wrong medical treatment I received during my wife delivery.

On March, 20th, my wife got pains (after 9 months of pregnancy) and we joined MAYOM Hospital in South city-1, Gurgaon. We joined at 1:00 AM and doctors waited (or might be they are interested in sleeping at that time) till 10:00 AM for delivery to happen. It’s Holy day. End result is I got blessed with baby girl with one complication. During delivery doctors (Gynecologist as well as pediatrician) pulled the baby so forcibly that baby right hand nerves are cut from spinal cord which resulted in baby not moving her right hand. Doctors at that time said this is temporary problem and will be recovered in 6 weeks time and advised for physiotherapy. We had done MRI to know the exact problem, MRI for 4 day baby showed nerve injury. However we waited for 6 weeks, 8 weeks and 10 weeks (as we can't go for any further treatment for 4 day baby), there is no recovery observed in baby hand movement. We are tensed and went to Bombay Hospital in Mumbai and showed to specialist (Dr. Mukund Thatte). He directly referred for Brachial plexus surgery for the baby recovery. Next day we did EMG test to make sure surgery required or not. EMG test shows surgery is must for baby to recover. Then we consulted 3 more specialist doctors in India (Coimbatore, pune, Gurgaon), all of the doctors refereed for surgery. Surgery was done on 13July11 and result is all the five nerves for hand movement got cut which is painful and doctor told that recovery will take place after 1 year. The reason we can extract from this surgery is Forcible pulling of baby.

My complaints are:

1) Doctors who did delivery (in Mayom Hospital) were mishandled the baby which caused this incident.

2) Both the Doctors (Gynecologist as well as pediatrician) told that they haven’t used any instruments during delivery. But without using instruments, it is very difficult to even predict the cut of nerves. Both these doctors held responsible for this incident.

3) Licence for Mayom Hospital to be withdrawn so that this sort of incidents will not occur.

4) Whole family life is disturbed and we are deep shock watching baby daily.

5) Baby life is at risk. Even after 1 year, no doctor is guaranteeing that baby can move right hand as left hand.

Hope I have briefed the complaint, for any further elaboration I can come and explain. Please take action and advise me how to proceed.

Company: Mayom Hospital, Gurgaon
Country: India
State: Haryana
City: Gurgaon
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