Dr. ignorance costed life

Health & Medicine

History of my mothers illness began when she started having high fever 103, on 29th june i took her to dr. subrat saxena and after examining he considered it be a viral fever gave SUMO Alerid for 3 days and asked to come back if the fever did not go down. After 3 days by friday 1st july, fever had come down to 99 but she was feeling very weak and was mentally not aware of things and her complete body was aching. so took her again to the same dr. and he then checked and said its just weakness and nothing else. so he decided give my mother RNS saline drips. we admitted her in his clinic. on insisting he took blood for the blood test. blood was taken at around 9:30am in the morning. we gave her 3 bottles in all by the evening. she was also complaining of pain so in the same afternoon we took her for ultrasound which was all clear. in the afternoon around 2:00pm her finger tips and toes started going blue so we called the dr. and his assisstant and they said its becoz of cold. so we decided to switch off the AC in the room. they said if we rub the palms it will go off. we did so and the bluishness went 6:00pm in the evening the bluishness came back again. so we called the dr. again, he came around 7:00pm and again was not able to diagnose the situation. so i asked for the blood report, he called the lab and got to knw that the platelet count was down to 48000. blood was taken in the morning around 9:00pm and report testing time was 6:43pm. shulnt this have been done earlier. he den immediately took another blood sample and asked me to rush to alchemist hospital where his wife works as a pathologist and this report was communicated to him on phone within an hr. Why was d first report not called in 2 hrs. when the 2nd blood report came count was down to 24000. he panicked and asked me to get her admitted to the hospital in the emergency. i took her to the alchemist hospital in the emergency where a team of doctors rushed within 15 mins and declared her very critical. the problem was BP had com down to 60 which was 140 in the morning. the monitor could not display anything there was ver less blood flowing her body. suddenly sugar level went down very low. after 2 hrs of medical emergency my mom had a stroke of fit (GTSC). den the dr. at the hospital raised his hand and said that he cant proceed as there maybe blood flow to the brain and they did not have the CT scan machine so we had to shift her to ARTEMIS hospital.By then her pulse was dying and there was no respiration. ambulance from the artemis hospital came and took my mother on the ventilator. they reached artemis hospital by 11:00pm and she was taken to the emergency and then ICU. and by next morning she was very very critical. her kidney's stopped working, she was already on ventilator. we arranged of A blood and started to give her platelets, the count went upto 52000 which was a good news of us, we also a started a very costly blood transfuion system called as TORAY but suddenly she had a cardiac arrest at 5:43pm and to my family's horror was declared expired.

A week after the incident my sister met dr. subrat saxena in a market and blasted him out and he was trying to defend himself but in the end he gave up and confessed and said sorry for all what had happened.

my question is: why was there a delay in giving out the first blood report, blood sample was taken around 9:00pm and testing as per the printed report was done at 6:43pm. if this would have been done earlier i gess my mother would stil have been with us. Dr. subrat saxena identified it as DENGUE but the artemis hospital this was a case of septic shock. i spoke to the dr. at artemis hospital and he said that she would have been saved if the correct medication wud have started in the first go.

I can be contacted at 0-9811696335

Company: Medical
Country: India
State: Haryana
City: Gurgaon
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