Health & Medicine

Dr batras

Behind renowned name there is fraud and cheating through online

promotions and other tools. Dr batras are running a money printing

machine and looting innocent patients by the name of discounts, deals

and telling them stories.

Case :- I had opted for hair test and consultation to dr batras

andheri lokhandwala and was asked to fill a form that I did. After

visiting they had charged 250/- as consultation and hair testing.

What kind of hair testing that was. Don't laugh. A doctor uses

statiscope for checking his patient same ways a doctor for hair

treatment uses a tool for checking the density that is for his own use

not for us but they publicize as they r giving hair test. What kind of

hair test is there where no report no receipt or consultation receipt

was given written down the problems in our hair. Nothing like that

only a bill or rs 250/- was given.

Doctor asked the problem and I said hair problem dandruff and greying

of hair after he has examined throught that soo called test which was

not for me he said u have dandruff and greying of hairs problems.

Is that the ans. What does consultation means they want u to pay for

every word theu speak.

No report for hair test was given

No quality of hair test was done

No consultation receipt was given to me

Just for visting at dr batras we had to pay rs 250/-

The amount here is too small bt many patteints are being fooled by by

batras and hope that this mail may save innocent patients and I get my

hard earned money back.

patient name :- chirag singhvi

Company: DR BATRAS
Country: India
Site: www.drbatras.com
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

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S T A M I N U S . N E T

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