Apollo Gleneagles kolkata
Negligence or Dr Mahesh Goenka

Health & Medicine

I am a student of final year of mbbs, studying at North Bengal Medical College. One of my friends was suffering from a chronic pain in abdomen for about two years and severe loss of weight. He was routinely prescribed antispasmodic and some sedative by renowned Dr. Mahesh Goenka after diagnosing the case as IBD (inflammatory Bowel Disease) by doing endoscopy and colonoscopy and the cause being said as genetic and mental stress. So he was also given an anti anxiety drug. But still then, not only the patient suffered from frequent attacks of severe pain in abdomen (which is taken care at our hospital for the timebeing) his studies was also affected by the action of the sedative and the antianxiety drug. Due to this regular problem he gave a visit to the Allolo Gleneagles hospital of kolkata to see Dr. Mahesh Goenka again after the Diwali (i.e october). This time he was advised to have some energy drink (to increase the weight) and undergo endoscopy and colonoscopy (done 2 times due to faulty technique at first) again, after finding nothing on these investigations he was prescribed capsule endoscopy, which also failed to reveal anything. Now they suspected the problem lying outside the gastrointestinal tract and advised a laparoscopy. But by now they have already lost hope, a lot of money and also time (our 3rd prof part1 being at december). So they decided to go to mumbai to have another opinion. There at a not so large nursing home a not so renowned doctor checked him and advised an xray. The xray revealed the capsule endoscope being stuck at a part of small gut (this is after 15 days of the capsule endoscopy). After further investigations the problem diagnosed as intestinal obstruction leading to dilatation of the proximal and distal part of the obstruction grossly and thus leading to rupture and peritonitis. He was immediately operated and the capsule endoscope and about 4 inch of small-gut taken out. He recovered slowly but at the meantime he missed the prof (final exam of 4th year). Now i want to ask whose fault is this? Is it ours, to believe on such docs and nursing homes or theirs? Who is responsible for the losses the boy suffered-monetary, physical, mental, educational and not to say the hassles? If this is the condition of a would be doctor then what would be the condition of a normal people. I ask you people to see this matter and think before you go to the hospital and suffer like my friend has.

Company: Apollo Gleneagles kolkata
Country: India
State: West Bengal
City: North 24 Parganas
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