Bag It Today
Non Delivery of Goods

Internet & Web

A purchase was made on 26.08.2011 online from the site of Bag It Today. Order is yet to be delivered.

Order ID 1009641053.

Company: Bag It Today
Country: India
State: Orissa
City: Khordha
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Hcl, HCL EZEEBEE -1115 (computer)
Complaint HCL EZEEBEE carrying serial number 6097AZ176288

Agarwal Speed Link Pvt. Ltd
Reminder No.16: Cheated by Agarwal Speed Link Pvt. Ltd. - Beware of this Movers & Packers

India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

Agarwal Speed Link
Fraud & Cheating by Agarwal Speed Link: 14 Reminders in 3 Months: No fear for Indian Law & Justice

ICICI Credit Card
Poor service

Agarwal Speed Link Private Limited
13 Reminders, Cheating & Fraud by Agrawal Speed Link Pvt. Ltd. : Mr. M.K.Rao -MD to intervene

Indian Postal service
Non delivered speed post letters and going wrong address

India Post Office
Speed Post not Found

India Post
Non-delivery to recepient

Agarwal Packers and Mov ers
Denying to pay for all damaged good goods