Blackberry mobile Fraud

Internet & Web

On Janaury 5, i placed an order with (vide order no. 10164491) for a blackberry mobile and its cover. The same day i made the payment through cheque and the same was cleared on Janauary 9, however, to prove the same i was asked to submit the staement of my bank account. Even after doing that, the date of reciept was shown as Janaury 12. Despite sending several emails to them, making calls at their customer care (which hardly responds), i was given assurance of shipment of products three times. However, till date (Janaury 30), i have not recived my products and the website has stopped responding to my calls and emails. Even the email written to the Managing Director of Timtara (Infosecure Consulting Pvt. Ltd.) Arindam Bose, the emails remain unanswered. I have email wherein they have acknowledge the reciept of payment and shipment of the order, however, no progress even after such a long time.


Company: Blackberry mobile
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: North West Delhi
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

Ebooktech pvt ltd
Fraud saalee
Delay in sending the Product