No service/wrong information provided while selling the connection

Internet & Web

I was approached by a salesman of this company about a month ago with a few plans to offer for broadband services. He told me various luring things including

1. any problem will be rectified within 4 hours

2. 1 mbps speed upto 8gb downloading

3. prompt services

however what i experienced has been completely different. after the first 3-4 days, the connection never actually worked properly. earlier the connection started having problems of droppping in between. later on for the last 4 days, the connection has been completely dead.

for the first day, nobody picked up my phone at the local office and when they did, they simply said, sir it will be rectified by 12 o clock. after that their numbers stop working.

so i decided to called customer care facility and all they say is, "sir, there is some problem with the distribution point. we cant say when it could be corrected." this has been continuing for some days now.

i say, i dont want this terrible connection, i wud rather have something slow than this stupid braodband.also i want the company to refund the money that i spent in obtaining the connection and also for the uncountable phone calls that i have been doing. and last but not the least to compensate for the tension i have had because of this problem and also for the loss that i incurred because i had to reschedule and exam in US because of this unreliable connection.

Company: Connect
Country: India
State: Punjab
City: Patiala
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