Cynassure BPO
Cynassure BPO Services, Kolkatta is fake and fraud

Internet & Web

Cynassure BPO Services, Kolkatta is fake and fraud

Mr. Shekhar/ Mr. Anirudh,

This is to inform both of you that my centers are declearing your company Cynassure BPO Services, Kolkatta as fake and fraud and they have the following reasons

1. They have a signed SLA where its clearly mentioned that they will get paid in 3-5 days but they didnot get anykind of payment 10-15 days later.

2. Both of you have sent so many write and chat commitment but yet they are not fulfilled by you..

3. Also I have so many voice call clips with Mr. Anirudh, where he told me so many things about payment but all the words were fake.

4. One of my center has sent a request to State Bank of India with the cheque details given by Mr. Anirudh and tommorow it will be defined that the word of Mr. Anirudh is right or wrong and that is i have in my hand as proof in voice clip.

5.By 12 noon tommorow they will post your unlimited complains in online portals with your company name and ready to take a serious legal action against your company with these proofs in police stations and their local court also.

6. In your website there is no contact details and whois has no record also.

So conclusion of these points is this that your company is completly fake and fraud and your business is now on the way to be spoiled.

Thanks & Regards



Company: Cynassure BPO
Country: India
State: West Bengal
City: Howrah
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

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