No response from the company/ not able to contact

Internet & Web

I bought a coupon code to get discount from sites selling coupon for fashnvia.com. I once entered it but buy now button didn't work (showing code was correctly bought). Then I reloaded page and input it, then it didnot accept the code, saying "already used/ Invalid/ Blocked. Contact support". Then I have tried to contact support many times but fashnvia is a fraud. They have put only one person/number for suppport and I have written them 5 times for support but not a single was replied. On calling by phone ring goes on but nobody answers to call!! and then other times the number is busy, perhaps the support staff is busy chatting with his/her relatives. Time is no concern for them. It has been over one week! I came across several complaints at "http:/Www.Consumercourtforum. In/F5/Fashnvia-com-41572/#Post68869" where their product was even not delivered.

Company: Fashnvia.com
Country: India
State: Jharkhand
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Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

Bsnl land line phone kanpur
Dead phone

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t
S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

Fashnvia.com @ Dealsandyou.com
Online Shopping Fraud