Possible reasons for negative feedback about Utsav:

Internet & Web

I have read some negative feedbacks about Utsav, what shall I make of them?

To err is human. With so many orders being shipped, errors cannot be eliminated altogether.

But yes we try to learn from each mistake and try to improve our products and services based on customer experience feedback & repeat customers notice the speed of change / improvement in our ways & speed of change / improvement on our website.

And yes we try to make sure that unhappy customers issue is resolved to the best of our abilities.

Possible reasons for negative feedback about Utsav:

These negative feedbacks do not disclose the full picture. Microsoft products will have more negative feedbacks and hacker attacks simply because it has a very large product and user base. You cannot satisfy each and every whim. If people start believing or acting on negative feedbacks, people will stop buying Microsoft products.

Our is not an off-the-shelf mass produced product. Most of our items are customized and hand embroidered.

Utsavs 90% orders are customized as per customer instructions. Unlike competition which deal in only unstitched items or standard sizes. Just like first set of cars from FORD you can choose any color you want as long as it is black.

Utsav catalog has more than 12000 active items, while all of competition websites taken together does not have more than 2000 active items.

Utsav handles much more volume of orders, thus its negative feedbacks are more visible. While competition many a times show zero feedbacks, simply because they are shipping very few orders.

Happy customers are less likely to post positive comments, while unhappy customers make it a point to post comments at times on multiple forums. If all happy customers start posting comments, then it will show the ratio of happy v/s. unhappy customers.

Many a times customers submit wrong measurements or they gain or loose weight, by the time they get to wear the blouse which is a body hugging garment.

Sometimes customers fill they want a sleeveless blouse with 6 inches sleeve length or such other contradictory numbers. If you wait to get the clarification from them, their weekend party deadline cannot be met. Either way we are doomed.

Many do not realize that even if they get something tailored locally, it will take multiple sessions of trial and alteration to get the perfect fit. But when they buy online from us they expect it to be perfect. Double standards what say? Not fair. Still we offer free, no question asked alteration service.

Many of the customers pay using their husbands / parents credit card and while ordering enter their email id in place of their own id. Now all measurement clarification etc emails do not reach them. Then there are spam filters and auto shift to junk folder. Or typos like abc@hotmale.com etc. What can one do in such situations?

Many of the customers revise their instructionsng andzing and styling multiple times and describe them in such lengthy contradictory sentences. Even senior designer and tailor team leader get headache making sense out of them. No doubt they keep headache pills handy. On top of it they sometime specify neck style from one email id, sleeve style from some other email id, trouser style on phone, to make the dress as shown on mobile text, yet some other instruction on live chat and many a times do not quote their order number and do not quote our response at all making it even harder to put the whole story together. And with so much of customization freedom which we allow, the impossible deadlines for delivery for that crucial party.

Many customers do not appreciate that details of all changes / special instructions MUST be repeated via email after order. We have recently had cases, where the customer has expected his / her order to be executed, incorporating changes suggested by her via email, weeks even months before actual date of order. We will NOT check email history before executing an order. If no email containing Special Instructions / Changes is received at the time of order or immediately AFTER order is placed, order will be executed without any changes.

Many of the customers do not appreciate the fact that chamki or sequences or crystals & stones etc sometime come off despite best of handling and packaging in embroidered and embellished items.

Many customers do not appreciate the fact that colors will sometime look different in different situations camera / scanner / monitor / settings / sunlight / indoors / angle of viewing etc.

Many customers do not understand the difference between hand and machine embroidery. In machine embroidery every piece will have exact same color stones / thread / pattern. But in hand embroidery every piece will have minor differences based on each artisans creative judgment.

Many customers start posting negative comments even before giving us a chance to rectify the situation. Even when we resolve the issue to their utmost satisfaction, they do not feel the moral need to write a positive follow up post as to how we handled the issue.

May be those are posted by competition to badmouth Utsav. You never know.

So our advise is to use your own head and do not depend on second hand opinions.

Even if you yourself have had a bad experience with us in the past, we request you to give us a second chance.

Those customers who have given us a second chance are happy for their decision.

We thank you them for being patient with us.

Company: Utsavsarees
Country: India
Site: utsavsarees.com
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