TATA ADSL Broadband Services
Pathetic Customer Services & Responses

Internet & Web

Following is the mail i had sent to TATA Nodal Officer

Pathetic Customer Services & Responses

Dear Ms Suguna,

this time the complain is not regarding the internet connection (though it got disconnected again which is why i had to call the customer service officer.) but it is regarding the kind of services that i receive on the continued basis from TATA executives. and this time its from the Call Center. Please Read through the following for more information.

And Please, NO Customer Care Executives need to reply to this mail with any kind of explanation as i really dont care what they say about any of the issues as i have had enough of Customer Care Executives of TATA. According to me there has been no improvement in the services and the executive attitude which disturbs me the most as TATA is not paying ANY sort of attention in improving Customer Assistance.



Yet Another Complain about Disconnection of Internet & Bad Customer Service Executive Response!

Date: 13-01 01:19 AM

Complain Number - 205387373

Called up Customer Service at 01:15 AM, for disconnected Internet. The guy first says there is no problem for the server and tries to tell me that he is more intelligent than me in a way that have you checked the modem? Check the lights, check your computer and all … agreed its his job, but than I guess a little politeness will really help the customer who is really upset about the services being disconnected. But this guys was stern and authoritative while talking and it felt like I have made a big mistake by calling TATA about my problems, caused by them.

The most disturbing thing about him talking was that his accent in English! Its not a criticism towards TATA Indicom about trying to be more sophisticated but it’s a criticism towards the floor manager or accent trainer who should make sure that the person who is talking in accent is too artificial and is too irritating to the customer because half the thing he was speaking was absolutely NOT understandable. [now I am not trying to be an out of the world guy here but I talk to my US clients every now n than so its not that u don’t understand accented English, but this guy was too onto it man.]

Anyhow, I get my complain number and I am told that the executive will be processing it within 12 working hrs. (we will see about that.)

Another call at 01:35 AM to find out the Router password.

Mr Suresh on the phone line tells me that I can not go through the modem configuration and I have to wait for the executive to come to troubleshoot the problems. [in my past experiences, the executive takes at least 2 days to find the problem out and correct the same.]

Day by day, I am really being disappointed by TATA Services and yes, I really don’t think TATA is giving me enough of authority on my account. I would like to configure modem's firewall, I would like to check if the configurations are proper, I would like to know what information is being sent out of the modem (if there is any). I would like my privacy to be configured by myself. But your executive on the call centre chair tells me that we do not provide the configuration or access to the Modem/Router!

I am really upset and shocked to listen to his stern voice (and of course his pathetic wanna be US Accent. Really don’t like TAT Services anymore. Its not just a complain, it’s the WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE I HAVE EVER FACED.)

PATHETIC is a very minute description of my agony towards TATA Indicom Services! Honestly, I should be Suing TATA Indicom for such services and Executive's Responses. And of course, having Such worthless and manner less staff.

Its not that I have never configured a Modem/Router. In Fact, once when I had problems with internet connection with TATA, the executive guided me through the process of re-configuring the modem, AND which solved the problem. Also, when I speak to the field executives on the phone, they many times ask me if I could access the router through the browser or not … so I am guessing this fellow who was acting a bit too smart, either didn’t know what he was talking or was just acting over smart with me. (as a customer I should be suing TATA for an Insulting response from the Customer Care Office!).

Anyways, I just wanted to bring in to notice that there has been NO improvement WHAT SO EVER since my last mail to the delivery manager escalation of the complain wasn’t heard by TATA. Really disappointed again. And yes, yet another disconnection from the server. Its an issue I face EVER MONTH. I was happy for a while that last month was good, but in the beginning of this month till today I have had disconnection for 3 times already … out of which 2 times they were for 10 - 15 minutes each … but this one is going on for an hour already!

Best Regards,

Ashish Gandhi

P.S. The Internet Connection is activated and it must be a fault at the local server... but still i had to face that problem and its not only this once. it has been more than enough for me to face these disconnection. if you calculate within last 9 months there are more than 9 disconnection and it has taken more than 12 days for these 9 disconnections to be online again. if you look at the ratio, i dont think its a good ratio to work with in terms of downtime from an ISP.

And what Reply would you expect out of this mail???

following is the one that i got!

Dear Mr Gandhi,

This is with reference to your mail below,

We would like to inform you that internet problem is resolved, request you to please check and confirm.

We once regret for the inconvenience caused to you and assure you best of our services always.

For any query you can call our Nodal Officer number 022-65102309 or can write to us on Nodalofficer.mum@tatatel.co.in.

Thanks & Regards,

Nodal Officer-Mumbai

i mean, more than pathetic, this is Insulting because they are not even reading your mail or mailing an appropriate reply. its like they dont find the complain worth talking about! God Help TATA. and mind you guys, this is not the first mail i have sent to Nodal Officer.

its just more than pathetic service, its like no service at all...

The problem is that they dont even give any escalation ID where you can go beyond Nodal Officer and lodge a complain for irresponsible and unresponsive behavior of Nodal Officer. there is no way to complain about Nodal Officer.

Does anyone know anything? does anyone have a higher authority Direct ID?

i also wanna send it to All the board of Directors... it has been more than enough listening to the crap of Executives man.

Company: TATA ADSL Broadband Services
Country: India
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