Order not delivered

Internet & Web

I ordered a shirt from zovi.com (order No 6GAMD) hoping that i will get the shirt in two days (they claim 48hr).

They called me after i order to confirm the order that i did.

When i called customer serv to enquire about the order they informed me that order was cancelled.

I asked them who and how the order was cancelled? They said "we dont know" and hanged the ph on me.

Disclosure: i was not polite, of course I am not going to be very happy after not getting the short that i planned to use for an important meting.

I called again and guy told me "sorry sir, we are startup so we have some difficulty and we will cal you back"

I was shocked that a company who is wasting money on online ad has not prepared themselves to handle a order that is coming from Metro!

Shame on Zovi and shame on the management who is running it...

I will report back if I get cal from them or if the matter is solved.

PS: Zovi management; contact me, i have given the order No


Company: Zovi.com
Country: India
State: Karnataka
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India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

Miss Placed or Theft

CSR Lied

India Today Group

India Today Book Club
Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery

Wrong products and no return