False promises and poor service

Internet & Web


First of all let me take the opportunity to introduce me as a very aggrieved customer who is particularly disgusted with your 3G service. My details are as under:

Name: Amit Kumar Singh

Company: HSBC Data Processing India Pvt. Ltd.

Internet Plan: Airtel 3G, Rs. 750 for 5 GB, additional usage charges : 2 paisa/100 kb (Corporate Plan)

Number for data card: 9007029522

Address: 1/50, Ashoknagar, Tollygunge, Kolkata - 700040

Now please have sometime to read through this long and agonizing flow of events that I have been subjected to because of the pathetic service that your company has offered me:

I was offered the 3G service with a guarantee of minimum 3 mbps speed. I knew that this was an exaggeration, however I felt that I would get a minimum of 1 mbps considering the false promises that your company had made. This was the first step in the trap that I fell.

Contrary to your high pitched promises of guaranteeing a speed of minimum 3 mbps, my eyes have been eagerly waiting to watch this magical figure on the airtel screen. I barely got 1 mbps speed. It would be unfair to say that I never got high speeds. At least I would not lie blatantly the way your company does, because my ethics would not allow me to lie. I did get high speeds but at such hours (3 a.m., 2:30 a.m) where it was not much of a use.

I complained to the salesman (this man has been the only reasonable and helpful person that I have come across so far in your company) and he tried his best and finally guided me to a person named Howard Hooper.

With no regrets in writing this and knowing that Mr. Hooper is marked in the mail, I would express my great dissatisfaction to the arrogance that he displayed when I called him. He again made a false promise and obviously cooked up a story that there had been a problem in the Mumbai office due to which Airtel 3G services across India had been disrupted and that there will be normalcy by 3rd January'2012.

As I am a reasonable man, I agreed to his false story and kept on suffering everyday with the poor receptivity that I received in your connection.

3rd January passed and still there was no resolution. I approached the salesman again. He spoke to Mr. Hooper. Mr. Hooper informed that there was some problem with Vodafone 3G services in my area due to which I was facing this problem. (3G service licence in West Bengal has been bought by Vodafone who in turn is offering its services to other telecom companies like Airtel - I was made to understand).

Mr. Hooper also informed that he would take up the matter seriously.

I kept following up with the salesman and he always took advise from someone on phone. Again false promises were made to me. Mr. Hooper even informed that the technical team would visit my place to offer assistance and that I should wait for their call. I, my mobile and my laptop have been eagerly waiting for that phone call - obviously I haven't received it till now.

Yesterday i.e. 20th January' I was unable to connect to the internet. So I called up the helpline and after some guidance it did work, but the speed was still pathetic, not willing to cross 50 kbps.

On 21st January'2012 late night and 22nd January'2012 early morning, I again faced this problem where I was unable to connect to the internet. Frustrated as I was I again called up the helpline. Since the agent was unable to understand anything I asked the call to be transferred to the supervisor. This is the most saddening and frustrating part. The supervisor - I really pity how can he be a supervisor, he is not even fit to be a guard manning the gates. Anyways, this is your internal matter. Moving on with the event, he did not seem to understand and when I was asking him for assistance, he put the call on mute and did not bother to respond. I kept on asking him to respond but he didn't. Was I shocked?? Yes I was..shocked, angry, frustrated..This happened in between 00:15 hrs and 00:22 hrs on 22nd January'2012.

I called back again and this time another supervisor by the name Neervik Biswas was there to frustrate me. The systems were not working hence he would not be able to assist me. I wanted him to call me back by 1:15 a.m and provide a resolution as I had a video conference with one of my client (I had cancelled this call which was originally supposed to happen on 21st January, REASON: the poor service).

And yes you have guessed it right - as expected of the poor customer service that your company is driving, I did not receive any resolution.

The above episode obviously makes me more sad than angry as I also belong to offering customer service and any issue of the customer that I receive, I make it a point to calm down the customer and provide a resolution. If that is not possible, I always explain the customer and give a realistic time frame to provide the resolution - something that I will be happy to offer free of cost to your company, it requires loads of lessons on this. Certain questions that keep eating me and consequently frustrating me are as under:

Why was I made a false promise about the speed?

If there was a problem with the area where I reside, why was I not apprised of the same prior to taking the connection?

Why did the technical team never arrive?

Why did Mr. Hooper make false promises and never showed any interest in resolving the issue?

With which audacity did the supervisor disconnect the call?

I have lost two very important contracts worth 5 lac each because I could not connect with my clients on many occasions. Who is going to compensate for it?

I am a rational and a reasonable man and I believe in giving an opportunity to everyone to correct the mistake. But I guess I have waited for more than one month now and have not come across a single responsible person. Another question: Don't you have anyone responsible in your organization? Something for you to introspect.

I have already sent a mail to the concerned department (s) two days ago, but all I have received is an acknowledgement. What I would appreciate is more action from your end.

I hope this reaches some rational person in Airtel.

My contact details:


mobile number : 9836421999

Company: AIRTEL 3G
Country: India
State: West Bengal
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