Airtel / Broad Band
False Commitment from Call Cente

Internet & Web

Dear Sir,

We M/S Lavanya Enterprises has availed a BroadBand Connection from Bharti Airtel Ltd, bearing Land Line No 0755 - 4271672,

Initially we have availed a Monthly Plan of Rs 799/- Fixed Rental in which we were offered Fixed Rental and unlimited Net usage Free, In the month of March we have changed our Plan and get converted in Plan of Rs 499/- Monthly Rental which was Costiong much higher than the Previous Plan.

Again when we requested to change the Plan and convert it to the Previous of 799/- monthly Rental, It was explained that the Plan will be changed at the time of billing cycle which is 5th of every month and also as per the executive at call center said that the same will be changed in the month of May on 5th, Today when we called for the same just to confirm that the Plan is changed or Not, It was explained that it will changed in the Month of June

After explaining all the issue to the executive at Call centre, He reply that we cannot change the plan.and also not allowed me to talk to their HOD.

Request you kindly take action against the False commitment of Airtel Company.

Thanks & Regards

Anoop Tiwari


Company: Airtel / Broad Band
Country: India
State: Madhya Pradesh
City: Bhopal
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