Airtel Broadband
Ill of 18200

Internet & Web

Account no: 16262735

i am facing regarding bill of sep.2011 bill, airtel given me 18200 bill of one month... when i called them they told me my plan migrated into 549 plan..but when i requested them to migrated my plan on 11 sep. 2011 they mailed me "your plan bill be migrated into 549 and will be effcted from next bill cycle 11 oct. 2011" it means my plan wolud be change in oct. but they given me sep. bill according this plan... when i requsted them to resolution they told me your plan is migrated from 14 sep. if my plan is migrated then why they not mailed me... and when i used more data then why not mailed me, normally service provider inform that you uses more data n your bill may be these these...

when i complained about bill customer care called me on 15 oct. near abt 2 O'clock and told me"you are our reputed customer be arrange your bill near abt 5000, if u don't cancel connction (on 13 oct. i requsted them to terminated my connction due to bill problem)... we given you discount... i told them when last i used the unlimited plan of 799rs, i payed only that" they disconncted call n never reply...

when i called again on oct 19 customer care told me my requste has been close beause my plan convert into 549...

i want to Know&-

1- if my plan converted into 549 plan on sep. then why maild me it will be effected from next bill cycle.

2-when i used 100% limit why r u not mail or called me.

3- why are u not informed me i am used more data..

4- you know why i converted plan into lower plan beause 799 high to me... after all you know customer problem u never informed me about high bill

5- credit limit of 549 plan is 1999... then how to given me bill of 18200

6- when i always told that 790 rs is high to me then why are u given me this type of bill i mail you on 8 sep. 2011 at 12.52 regarding lower plan

7- u made a mail that your plan activated from next bill cycle means from oct..(next bill cycle means next month beause when i mailed to termination connection on 8oct..your re presenter told me me on oct.9 that will effect from next bill cycle means after oct... bill (nov-11)..

when in termination your bill cycle is next month and in billing this is current month...

8- when plan changed that u told from sep. then if u called me, i asked about activation of plan (but u not called me only mail).

from last 7 days i am in mental problem... today 20 mailed in nodel office given time to solve problem 23oct abt 2 O'clock...

hen problem is simple then why are u taking time...

this is clear how many time i called you near abt 20 times i spend more then 250 rs on calls...

please solve my problem... what can i do i can't pay...

please suggest me can i go in court beause i got mad by airtel... called them many time... n clearly show from next month n re -presenter clear me on oct 9 when i requested to termination means next bill cycle means next month...

Company: Airtel Broadband
Country: India
State: Rajasthan
City: Jaipur
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