Airtell making fool the customers

Internet & Web


Airtell making custome fool. becoz 1st of they give the bill of call that are not called by my end.

Then they called my relatives and aksed about me. they called again -2 to my relatives with different numbers and creat problems for them. In the last they provide the bill with gave some waver and told that your connection started with in a day. I had paid the bill. Now they called that your waver is not valid and pay bill again. They told that our airtel server not showing any payment. They creating problems for me again again. I think some rules Make against them. I am really irritate and going in tension. Airtel services really bad. i am not prefer anyone to take airtel services. They give tensions always to their customers.

Plz give me some ideas, what i do. I have paid money around 2000 Rs. and not tolerating the problems. Plz reply and tell what i do.

Company: Airtell
Country: India
State: Haryana
City: Gurgaon
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