Order Number: IC26190, Product/Item Code: i081

Internet & Web / Online Scam

Apart from the email given below, I have tried to contact the helpdesk and below are the conversations, however, none of them is correct in term of promise they have made while talking with me. Today, it has been 2 months (60 days) but still not refund nor I received my order.

I would highly thankful to you if you please help me in this.

Thanks & Regards,

Sumeet Sharma,


AVA Customer Care Representative - Anuj Singh (on June, 22 6.01 PM.)

Anuj, logged the complainted regarding the issue and said need to call back in 3 days to get the status.

After three days, I did not get any response from the Anuj till yet.


AVA Customer Care Representative - Deepika. (on July 03)

Product is not dipatched as yet. It will reach to my address by July 13


AVA Customer Care Representative - Sarla, (on July 05)

Another 10 days would be needed


AVA Customer Care Representative - Deepika, (on July 13)

Order will be dispatched on July 25th.


from sumeet sharma

to yashpalkhatri@avamerchandising.co.in

date 20 June 15:00

subject Ordered Item i081 : Delivery hasn't received after 21 days

Hello Mr. Yashpal,

I am writing in reference to my experience with AVA Merchandising while I placed an order (a wrist watch) for the first time with AVA.

On the 30th May I placed an order for Benetton Wrist Watch item number i081, priced Rs.990. While placing the order I was also informed that I have to pay additional Rs.100 towards the handling charges which I agreed upon.

On the above mentioned day, at the time of placing my order it was assured by the customer care representative that the delivery of the product will be made within the stipulated time i.e. 21 days from the placement of the order. However, the same was found to be a false statement as the delivery of my order has not been made till today although the deliver to be made was in Gurgaon itself.

In the meanwhile, I have not being provided with any reference number/order number. When I tried to contact the customer care again for the status check of my order, the representative always have one thing to say that “my order would reach to my address within next 3-4 days”, however, these 3-4 days wait have never ended as yet and hence made me to contact you in the hope that you may be the right person to help me out.

For your convenience, I have attached my Credit Card statement which clearly mentions that a transaction was being done by AVA on May 30th. I would appreciate your valuable help if you could please clear the clouds from this transaction and let me know when I would get the delivery else I would like to get my money refund.

Looking forward towards your cooperation in this case.


Sumeet Sharma

Contact – (91)-9871756506

Country: India
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India Today Book Club
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