Auto fare fraud
Complains against auto fare fraud


This incident is of 20th September. I caught an auto in majestic in the mornig by 6AM to kaggadasapura, we were 3 me, dad and my mom. We were travelling from shimoga to bangalore by rajahansa (government bus). The bus stopped in majestic where usually auto people compell us to commute in their auto. And we end up in a auto (KA 05 D 5980), who told us to pay 1.5 meter charge at the starting and we agreed for it. He asked us which way he should go to kaggadasapura either old airport road or old madras road. We told him to go by old madras road. He was very rash in his driving. A while about to reach my destination i observed that auto meter was flipping so quickly (incrementing 0.5 rs for every 4-5 meters) then i asked the driver about the fidelity of the meter then he started telling that the fare is on rs 17 minimum basis when i argued on that he shown us a torn out paper of new costing implemented as on august 08 as to his pretence. And finally we reached our home in kaggadasapura (6 th cross), the meter was reading Rs.270. I argued about the price for the distance we travelled, i told him we would have travelled at maximum 20km by telling that he started talking in a threatening tone and making mock of the knowledge about the distance from majestic to kaggadasapura. Then i started taking his details, there was no driver information board on back of his seat, when asked about it, he was numb or he was not willing to answer. I noted down his auto number (which was written in kannada). He tried me to mesmerize while reading the meter for letter 9 (which he was telling that is a six).

At the same time my dad has paid him Rs.500 as he did not want to argue any more with this guy and told him to return the change. Then the drama has started. When i turn back after noting down his auto number he was holding a Rs.10 note and asking for the justice!! to pay the full amount. For the moment i did not understand what has happened. I asked my dad how much did you pay him, he told 500 and in turn asking him to return the chage. But the auto driver was telling that my dad has given him only Rs.10 which he was holding which is clearly visible to me as well. My father was shocked and nervous at the same time. He searched down and in his pocket for Rs.500 and then took some time to recollect himself and then he was sure that he has given the auto driver rs.500.By hearing that auto driver thrown away his over coat and told us to search for it. We did not search (probably it was a mistake by not searching his over coat) and so much of drama has already happened, so i told my father to give away the 1.5 charge on the meter and to send him away. Finally we paid him Rs.405 (from majestic to kaggadasapura in morning 7pm (at the time of reach). eventually we deceived for Rs 900 by this auto driver. Please take this matter seriously and provide us justice

Company: Auto fare fraud
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

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Denis Bullshit

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S T A M I N U S . N E T

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