Auto rickshaw meter
Tampered Meter (AUTO METER)


This is regarding Auto Rickshaw (Tampered Meter) MH 03 BA 2548. I traveled on 27the Jan at 8.00 AM from Amar Mahal Chembur to Vikhroli Godrej gate no 4 LBS Marg i normally travel three days a week my Normal Meter reading comes to 3.90 to 4.20 but the above mentioned Auto Meter Reading was 5.20 And he was not willing to take the correct fare we have to pay him what is on thee meter and he was fighting with me. This is a complaints against the AUTO No MH 03 BA 2548 please do take action against this Auto Driver.

Thank you.


Company: Auto rickshaw meter
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai Suburban
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License # 14584/01 || Badge # 14337/01
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