Auto rickshaws
Refuse to go to Shorter Distance


Auto Rickshaws directly just say "NO" to go to the shorter distances.. Everyday morning when I leave for office from Shere-Punjab to JB Nagar or MIDC, I generally ask from atleast 20-25 rickshaw walas out of that one gets ready to go..Otherwise majority Rickshaws just refuse to travel for the short distances... Kindly see to this matter..Public is getting suffered because of this issue..


Company: Auto rickshaws
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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Skoda car
Not functunig properly

Alagappa university
Eply to complaints

License # 14584/01 || Badge # 14337/01
Local Auto-Rickshaw Bad Bahavior

Reliance Netconnect

Reliance Netconnect
Problems on all fronts

Chennai -Some Auto drivers are hurting
Chennai -Some Auto drivers mis behavoi

Auto rickshaw no MH12 CT 4700
Not travelling for shorter distance and asking for too high fare

Mumbai auto rickshaws
Mumbai auto rickshaws higher fair and neglect to go for small distance even any one may have emergency

Auto Rickshaw Union, Chennai
Auto Rickshaws charging passengers heavily

Hyderabad Traffic Police
Hyderabad Traffic Police Tampered Auto rickshaw Meter AP12 V 0722