Bajaj Avengar - Khivraj Motors Bangalore
Faulty product and bad customer service


On 19th november I purchased Bajaj Avenger Bike from "Khivraj Motors" kasturba Road Bangalore.

The executive Shashi was there and told me that they can deliver the bike on sunday and when i enquired about my registration number they told me that i have to take it during weeks days only because they are closed on sunday. To me it came as shock that they made the false commitment at the time of selling the bike.

Moreover when i was coordinating with them during week days one of their employee in service department told me that they are open on sunday for 3 hours. It seems that half of the their own people don't know whether their showroom is open on sunday or not.

Another issue which clearly indicates how Bajaj is charging extra money from its customer. When I told sales executive there that i would like to make the payment via credit card. Thay told me that they will charge 2% extra for this. When I asked them the reason for the same they told me that their merchant is charging extra from them. They even showed papers in which Bajaj has mentioned that you need to charge 1.25% extra in case payment is being made by credit card.

I told them that i am ready to make payment by debit card and then also they wanted to charge extra money. I enquired with my bank and they confirmed that they don't charge anything extra.

So finally I gave them cheque.

My bike was delivered to me on sunday. I reached home after riding 30 km and when i tried to start it automatically after 2 nhurs. iit was not working. They didn't charge the battery at the of delivering the bike and it took them 2 days to replace the battery.

I would like to share this with other people so that they are careful while dealing with Khivraj motors.

I think Bajaj is also not interested in giving any cutomer service to its customer thats why they have given both the agency of Avenger bike to Khivraj motors only in Bangalore. Thats how they use their monoply to harress people.

Company: Bajaj Avengar - Khivraj Motors Bangalore
Country: India
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