Bajaj fin/ loan for computer purchase
Claiming despite requested not to and adjust payment agains deposit


Despite that i have reueste not to send cheques to claim money to my bank as i explained through email that i have paid 21 instalments out of 24 and the rest 3 instlment money be adjusted against the deposit existing with you you have been sending the cheques to my bank to claim money how ever they were returned causing loss of cheque bounce charges levied by my bank.

I have even given in writing to the warangal branch where we have taken loan for necessary action to close the account.

The person at Warangal branch says that matter is informed to the head office and things are cleared and we need not pay anything now

but to our dismay cheques are sent to the bank and we are coerced to pay cheque bouncing charges.

we request you to do the needful inthis regard in closing the account, returning the remaining cheques and to pay the cheque bouncing charges back to us

i am enclosing the copy of the letters sent to you earlier

loan repayment clearance‏

From: kleelavathi (

Sent: 27 October 12:36PM


Dear sirs

I have written to you on 03 September 18:13PM to stop claiming cheques towards repayment of my loan and to clear the account

The warangal branch was of no help as there have not been any proper person to attend to this

it is said that the specific person was on leave for a long time

I have given him a written letter regarding this and i was assured that the letter would be sent to the head office and attended to

I shall be delighted if you inform me immediately the action taken.

I am sending the copy of the letter which i addressed you long ago for necessary action



loan repayment‏

From: kleelavathi (

Sent: 03 September 18:13PM


Dear sirs I have taken a loan from you with the fallowing details

proposal: no. 733

hirer: leelavathi kotha

date: 15/11

vehicle. assembled pc (amd) ini 6360vrh

scheme: pc-1002f&

amt financed. 33, 999.00

security deposit: 5100.00

startrepayment- 1st inst-cheqno312442-15/11-ammt rs1665

Endrepayment- 24 inst-cheqno312441-15/11-ammt rs1665

now that the repayment was done till 15/8 the 21st instalment

we request you to adjust the remaining amount due to you aginst the security deposit of rs5100 retained with you, not to present cheques to DCB bank any more and arrange to close the account accordingly

thanking you

leelavathi kotha

Company: Bajaj fin/ loan for computer purchase
Country: India
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