Barclay priority circle card
False commitment by barclay


Customer Service

Barclay Bank PLC

You have checked only your verbal records based on the recorded confirmation only half way but you have not considered the correspondence given as under

"letter dated 19 March (Ref. No. WBPC7347) mentioning “This particular time frame” has been dispatched by you on 07/04 . (This dispatch date and ref. No. is mentioned on the Express sticker pasted on the envelope covering this letter) It means such a important letter is sent late by Express Courier which on receipt gives no time left for customer to read it properly and understand and reply back. You please note this delay on the part of Barclay who is showing such keenness on the time frame of 21days to refuse my request. After your dispatch date and after my receipt, please see the calendar, 10th April, (good Friday) followed by Saturday". After this I wrote a letter on Monday, 13/04 and dispatched it in the morning on the same date addressed to ‘P.O. Box 11567, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021’ (This particular address is only available on the envelope where dispatch date and ref. No. is mentioned) In this letter I have fully given my reservations to cancel the said card membership. In this case the date of issue of letter by Barcaly is 07/04 followed by my letter saying my reservations. I have these records duly preserved with me to prove the purposeful late issue of letter by Barclay.(Ref. No. WBPC7347)

Also see this, it is well in advance (before issue of card), but not considered

113 days ago by Sanjay J. Ghule [send email]

Please see aplication refernce No.04030999529, for this you are requested not to proccess the same as the offer on the said card is not agreed to me.

113 days ago by Sanjay J. Ghule [send email]

Please see aplication refernce No.04030999529 for new gold credit card, for this you are requested not to proccess the same and do not send the credit card and other offer leaflets as the offer on the said card is not agreed to me.

Further more if you have properly listened the full reording of promotion of your card by your associate which is explained as under:

While promoting the said card, your marketing man told me about some gift vouchers. Then I have received your letter dated 13 March along with card. In this letter Barclay said “The enclosed welcome booklet carries lavish vouchers from premium outlet.” But no such lavish vouchers are found enclosed with this letter. Accordingly I wrote a letter mentioning the above fact on Monday, 13/04 addressed to ‘ P.O. Box 11567, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021’

But when I talked to your representative on 27/05 on phone and told about non receipt of the lavish vouchers along with other things. He told me that this particular offer was valid up to February. It means that your ‘Customer Service Man’ is aware of the current status of the offer, but your other key persons forwarding the card in the month of March do not know about this expired offer or knowingly they have not enclosed the lavish voucher. Even then such information was never told or informed to me in the later stage either by your marketing man or Customer Service Man. As such I have not received the lavish vouchers from premium outlet as committed in the letter dated 13/03 for the reasons known to you. I think you are once again purposefully not considering this verbal as well as written consent of Barclay. Kindly link the issue with first recording of offering from your associate, followed by letter saying this but not enclosing the lavish vouchers. The reason for this is given by your representative on 27/05 for non issue of lavish vouchers by Barclay. (Kindly listen this also) Then arrive at decision. As such the customer is not getting the full benefits as committed verbally and by the letter, offered by Barclay.

On this background I wish to inform you that the amount towards BPC membership which has been debited is not as per the agreed terms and conditions explained above between you and me. Again on all these lapses on the part of Barcay, I have requested you arrive at amicable solution to effect least payment. As per the talk with your custmer service I paid the least amount Rs.650/- in May to proccess for settlement but till date nothig has further moved to resovle the matter. You try to resolve the issue for minimum settlement amount as I find no point in making further such email and other correspondence. For this there was a call from Barclay to settle the issue but further nothing has happened. Hence at present I will not be able to make any payment till settlment is arrived. Kindly make aware of this to your collection department.

S.J. Ghule

Card No. 4339 4812 5878 0457

Company: Barclay priority circle card
Country: India
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