Barclays Bank personal loan
Cheated by Barclayed bank executive and annoying custome care


This is to bring under notice to everybody that the Barclays Bank and its customer care with some of its personal loan granting executive are running a racket in Bangalore (or may be everywhere else in India) and they dupe the people by quoting different interest rate to many loan seeker. After taking all the documents and signature on a loan request form and blank chaques from the loan seeker (I'm on of the victims) later on they grant the loan with different interest rate (higher than what they've promised) without informing the victim and deposit to his account.

After that only way remains to call the customer care but they also know that this is happening (and apparently they are with them in letting this happen) and they don't help or take the request even after incessant calls.

The usual trap is low interest rate promised by the executive and he'd tell that in verification call you'd be told about the interest rates. Latter, they transfer the amount to your account after taking off the first installment without any call and approval of terms (and they don't even send the loan related papers) and from that moment you are in trouble.

Not only me but there are many persons who have been trapped this way and I came to know this only after falling into this prey. Much to my surprise, the Barclays bank customer care knows this and the whole plot is running under their silent approval.

With this complaint I want Barclays Bank's higher officials to take necessary action and please take care into my matter before its too late to save the Bank's reputation which is ruined by some of the Bank's own people. Also, I'd like to appeal to all loan seekers to refrain from taking loan from Barclay's bank 'coz it could be a whole lot of trauma to you afterwards.

- Amresh Anand

Mob: 9886076828

Company: Barclays Bank personal loan
Country: India
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