BEST Bus Mumbai
Negligence Driving By Driver (No Reply)


Respected Sir/ Madam,

I Jaydeep A Tanna had given Complaint by email in consumer Forum of BEST Bus on 10th Dec.

wHICH i REQUEST BEST BUS Authority to reply my complaint otherwise I will have to proceed Right to Information.

The same Below Complaint is send to PRO of Best Bus & have not yet reply & same sending to Consumer Forum.

Respected Sir / Madam,

Sub – Complaint No –TLGE / 2994 /09

Ref No- PC / G / MIS / 317 / 09

I Jaydeep A Tanna, (Handicapped Person) Passenger traveling from

Chember Naka to Ghatkopar Station of BEST Bus Route No – 381 on 9th

Dec time 6.30pm Bus No –7591, MH01 L8742 Ticket No- 224-133725,

Rs 6/-, has given Complaint of Best Driver who was Negligence in

Driving Bus for such I received call on 11th Jan on mobile by

BEST authority as Driver & Conductor would be present so requested to

be present on proceeding of Complaint at Pant Nagar Bus Depot 2nd

floor, on 13th Jan at 11AM.

1) BEST authority call me just before 2 day to attend the proceeding

of complaint but it should give notice at least 15 day prior. for


2) The Complaint which is given by me is written to BEST Authority

but have given oral reply I request to give we written reply of my


3) I received Complaint No & Reference No from the officer who attend the case

which was not know to me.

4) In Complaint I have also given Bus Route No- 430 (6.15 pm) has also

made default who was not called.

5) In my Complaint have provide Mobile No- 9821467113 for BEST

Authority which was Confidential of my Complaint but

administrative authority provide Mobile number to BEST Bus Driver

against whom Complaint was Lodge which is ultra virus for fair

hearing. Same Person came to meet me & request me to take back

complaint Bus Driver “I am going to award some Medal in near future so

take complaint Back.”

6) During the proceeding both Driver & Conductor were present with

Officer who was examine complaint read the Complaint & said to the

Bus Driver person the default made is Negligence in Driving Bus &

gave me assurance that authority would take strict action against


7) Thereafter ask officer who examining case written reply of

complaint show cause for future Correspondence said it will be provide

by Wadala Authority for outward dispatch reply.

8) I request BEST authority to reply without Delay. for end of Justice.

Dated 16th Jan Truly,

Jaydeep A Tanna.



Email Copy of Complaint for refrence



date Thu, Dec 10 at 3:01 AM

subject Complaint by Traveling Bus


hide details 12/10/09

Company: BEST Bus Mumbai
Country: India
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