Unsafe, Dangerous, Traffic Rules violation and accident prone Bus operation


Fifth Complaint-Unsafe, Dangerous, Traffic Rules violation and accident prone Bus operation.

1. The buses start and stop with a jerk. Even when the passengers are hanging out conductor hurriedly rings the proceed bell although he is bound to ensure that passenger is not even on the footboard stairs and reached the standing placed marked. The drivers too change the gear and start even when the passenger is completely got down although he is bound to ensure that passenger is at a safe distance away and moving of the bus will not endanger him.

2. The buses runs from the first lane which is marked for light vehicles instead of from the second lane which is marked for heavy vehicles. This results in casualty of many light vehicle passengers particularly two and three wheeler vehicle. It runs very close to passengers standing on middle dividers for crossing which itself is very narrow resulting in endangering their lives.

3. The buses breaks the signal and crosses red light which is offensive. It uses free left yellow as green even tough pedestrians are crossing the road on green man. It crosses all yellow lights at high speed.

4. The buses start and stop before the schedule stops and sometimes does not stops at stop although it is mandatory to stop at each stop resulting in hardships to passengers.

5. The buses stop on the second lane instead of parking lane thus endangering passengers lives and creating traffic jam for the following vehicles.

6. The buses do not maintain a safe distance from the vehicles running ahead of it resulting in accidents. It does not slow down even if pedestrians are crossing the roads.

7. The Buses stops at Red light only if a vehicle stopped ahead of it otherwise it breaks signal and goes ahead making it prone to accidents. Even if stops it is very close to first vehicle with no space between and much ahead at Zebra crossing point making it difficult for pedestrians to cross the road.

8. The Buses do not follow lane discipline and runs in a jig jag way resulting in accidents. They do lane cutting at dangerous speed. The buses runs at high speed in narrow lanes and in congested traffic and crowded place killing people on the road and in small vehicles. No governors are installed to limit the speed to 30Km.

9. The drivers take more than required rest after reaching destination and covers the time by making rash driving. The booth supervisor overlooks it. The bus must leave immediately from starting point without unnecessary wastage of time.

10. The bus is placed at exit stop and not on boarding stops so that passengers can sit and settle down. Passengers are forced to stand in noon and bus is placed just before leaving at boarding stop creating chaos.

My complaint is pending in BEST records with displeasure and customers dissatisfaction remarks from my side.

Company: BEST
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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