BSNL, Bangalore
Yet to get BSNL Broadband after 6 months


I am staying in Doddanekkundi Village, near to Marathhahali outer ring road. I opted for a BSNL broadband connection because in my place Airtel connection is not available. So I applied for a BSNL broadband connection on March 30th.

I didn’t get any information about my connection from BSNL after 15 days passed. So I consulted with some of my local friends and they suggested me to go to KRPuram exchange to enquiry about this.

On my first visit to KRPuram exchange (Doddanekkundi belongs to this exchange) the officer in charge of Doddanekkundi told me that all the lines in Doddanekkundi are exhausted and you have to wait for at least 3 months for getting the land line connection. The reason is current Doddanekkundi exchange is having capacity of 900 lines only and we have given al most all the connections. He told they will update this exchange to 1500 lines with in the next 3 months and then only they will start giving the new connections. The very same problem is also for giving the new broadband connection.

So I waited for 3 months and then in the month of June again I went to the KRPuram exchange. This time I got a reply that due to some political reasons we are not able to setup our exchange in Doddanekkundi village and no updation has happened during last 3 months. But few guys have surrendered their connection (because of airport shifting some guys shifted out of Doddanekkundi) and you just approach our lineman there in your place and if possible he will give you a connection. I came to my place Doddanekkundi village and able to catch that guy after 3 days of hard tries. Finally I convinced the line man any way (way I don’t want to mention here, self understandable) and got the landline connection on 30th June. This Doddanekkundi exchange is horrible and will go out each time after a power cut. The UPS will go down and will never come up again if the power cut duration is more than 2-3 hours. (Ex: From yesterday morning it is down till today morning 7th Aug). This UPS will come again after BSNL persons will visit this Doddanekkundi exchange room and do some manual work on that UPS. I am seeing this exchange is lying dead around 20 days in a month.

My misery not ends here. I am yet to get the broadband connection. I am still going to KRPuram exchange (last time visited- 4th time, this Saturday – 5th August) for getting the broadband connection. They are telling many guys are in queue to get the broadband connection from your place and you will get once your serial comes. I asked them to tell me my serial number but they are refusing to give that.

So my friends before applying for a BSNL broadband connection please go to a cardiac doctor and check your heart. You need to have a big heart for going through the BSNL trauma. If you have any enemy to take revenge tell him to go for a BSNL connection.

I’m lucky that I have got married before the new BSNL broadband add, which is now a days frequently one can watch in all the TV channel, where their ambassador Ms. Pretty Zeinta is canceling her groom for not having a BSNL connection.

Company: BSNL, Bangalore
Country: India
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