
Dear Sir,

I ve been re issued a a credit card from citi bank, and have received a message from citi bank, that the card-enevelop is being sent by Blue Dart Courier.vide AWB. No. 42730796006.

Your delivery man came our home at J-3/66, FF, DDA Flats Kalkaji, New Delhi -110019, he did'nt ring the first floor bell, instead he saw a locked door at GF and slipped a card mentioning your call centre addresse.

we read your call centre nos from the card, and called to your call centre today, and had a talk with your reperesentatives, Sonal, sonaina.

It was much rather disappointing that your people do not seems to understand me, we have 2 addresses registered with my banker,

My House addresse is mentioned as J-3/66 DDA Flats kalkaji, and another addresse is mentioned as D-1/69, sangamvihar new delhi -110062, which is mentioned as office addresse, we own both the houses in the name of our family, and my brother and his wife resided at kalkaji, while i resides at sangam vihar since 30 years or more,

commercial activities were banned in residential areas recently and we have shifted our office from there to CP, however i did not informed about shifting of the office to my banker who sent me the card, this is because the sangam vihar house is our own house and we do not feel to change the addresse in bank records.

all my dox and mails are recieved at kalkaji addresse and being received by my family, in case any confidentional document is mailed to me. i give proper authorisation with ID and Phone Nos.

to my family and they received my confidential mails for me in case i m not available,

i tried to convince your employees at call centre to deliver the packed to me either at my sangam vihar office, or at Kalkaji office. they refused to send me the mail at sangam vihar which is my registered office where i live with my father and wife and children and told me that we shall deliver the dox at kalkaji only provided your wife shall be there.

when i insisted and requested again, they put me either on hold or gave the line to another person to whom i have to explain every thing again and again and despite several reaqests the card is not delivered. I have wasted more than half an hour explaning and reqquesting in vain.

i have to submit in the above context,

That the acts, deeds, and working of your organisation is prejudicial to the interests of citi bank clients,

and totaly against principal of natural laws,

it has caused me enormus menal sufferings as to change, your employees were prejudice and without asking, and seeing any proff considered my residentional addrese / office addrese not safe to deliver, how a genuine man can change your mind than,

in the end, i request your goodself to please take my complaint and take necessary action to deliver me my dox and to take necesary action against your erring official,

faliure of which, and without prejudice obviously shall compel me to go to citi bank ombudsman/greivance redressal forum, or consumer forum.

Thanks and regards

Ansuia Prasad

D-1/69, Sangam Vihar New Delhi -110062

PH 981080028

Country: India
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