Career Path a unit of Modak Marketing & Export


There is no such company existing in the name of Career Path. Recently formed they are just a part of Modak Marketing and Exports. The company cannot pay more than 3 employee at a time, so when they try to hire the fourth one they just sue any one without any reason. They do not have much of clients to work with. So not much of business is made. Within a year at least 4 -5 employee has left the organisation with a maximum working duration of 6 months. Even I have worked with them. I was not paid my incentives. The atmosphere is such that one can hardly work there for months.

The managing Director is a spineless one who cannot take any decision of his own... is sole relying upon a senior employee who makes all the important decisions, based on HER "comfort level".

Company: Career Path a unit of Modak Marketing & Export
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T
I cleaned Virus from his (website) on the spot