Chennai Govt. MTC bus service
Paid Penalty for Ticket less travel.. without travelling in bus... Its possible with the ticket checking inspectors


Hi My Name is Anil, Recently I came across an embarrassing situation, as far as I know ticket checking inspectors will come into bus and ask for tickets in between stoppings, if they do ask for tickets at stops they only need to ask the tickets from the passengers coming out of the bus.

An interested thing happened in my case... Please read and be careful with this ticket checking inspectors.. without your mistake you may need to pay penalty, The ticket checking inspectors can do that miracles.

Recently I paid penalty for ticketless travel without travelling in that same bus, what happened was on last Friday 27-02 I was waiting for the T51 bus at CKS bus stop, East Tambaram around between 7:10 PM to 7:20 PM, I was in hurry to catch bus, So when it stopped at CKS stage I boarded in to the bus immediately where it stopped .. and the bus was still standing there.. within seconds the ticket checking personnel went into the bus, and asked me for ticket, I said .. How can I have a ticket without travelling? but they didnt hear my words and took me out of it and thrown me inside their Jeep.

They didnt hear my words, I said I need to pickup my Brother-in-law, since he was leaving to NewZealand in the early hours of 28th Feb.. but they did not hear my words instead they scolded me like anything... they termed me as 'Fraud' etc., among the people, not only scolding with whatever the words they have in their mouth and asked me to pay 500 rupees penalty, I asked them I didnt do mistake why should I pay? forcibly they took my purse and took every rupee from it, it contains around Thousand rupees (1000/-).. that amount is also not enough to him, he again searched for my ATM card in my purse (Look How Brutish way He behaved). I dont have money printing press 1000 rupees is very valuable for me.; They gave me a paper and forcibly made me to write on that paper that I am travelling without ticket. After that they gave me tickets for 500/- tickets (100*5) and told me to travel in any bus without buying any ticket for that particular day.

But my conscience will not accept to show that 500/- ticket to any of the bus conductor to go to my destination for free for the particular day, If I show it to him he may think that I am a Fraud. So again I bought a ticket for 10/- and landed at my destination .. thats the only 10 rupees I have in my hand not in my purse.

The way they behaved is inexpressible... the words they used to scold me is unbearable.

I think ticket checking personnel will come into bus and ask for tickets in between stations, In stops they need to ask for the tickets from the people coming out of it, because in stops people will board into bus as and when it stops... they never dream that the ticket checking people will ask for tickets the same time they boarded into bus.

They caused lot of inconvenience to me .. they took my valuable time as wellas money... and scolded me like anything.

I paid money for not my mistake... they took my money from my purse and also scolded me like anything.

Please guide me to escalate this issue to higher officials of MTC.

NOTE: Ticket checking personnel will decide themselves from where u r coming... they will never ever give a chance to argue with them, So please Be careful with these " Money Thirst Animals".

One person among them understood what I was saying and tried to convince the particular person, That person stick to his words as usual he termed me as Fraud..

I want to escalate this issue to higher officials .. Please guide me.

Company: Chennai Govt. MTC bus service
Country: India
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