Wrong details updatation and no information provided


Dear Sir,

I am working as teacher in Govt. school; I have applied for loan with SBI badli branch. They rejected my case due to some cibil problem, according to them there is one loan is running with one of the financier but that loan doesn't belong to me. For confirmation of that loan I have approach to the cibil by mail, they demand some charges accordingly I have made the DD and courier that DD to them. They confirmed me that they will give me the details within 3-5 days. But it's been more than two months I haven't received any mail or call from them, when I had mailed them they even doesn’t bothered to response to that. Finally I have to come to this step, for your knowledge I have paste the sent mail below.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to your mail, we would like to inform you that it takes 4-5 business days inorder to process your request and you shall receive the copy of your credit information report within 5-7 business days post clearance of your demand draft.

Thank you.


Consumer Relations

Ps: Effective September 01 our consumer relations assistance number has been changed to 022-61404300.

This document is classified as : (-) Public (-) Internal (X) Private (-) Departmental (-) Confidential

>&&&&&- Original Message &&&&&-

> From:

> Sent: 30-Nov-09

> To:

> CC:

> Subject: information about loan

I have already requested to give my loan status nd also i have send my

documents nd demand draft in the favour of credit information bureau p.o.

box 17, mumbai on 10/09/09.

but their is no response from your side, because of this problem i'm unable

to avail personal loan from S.B.I, badli, delhi-110042.

i'm suffering from this problem from september..

plz do needful

This document is classified as: Private

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geeta balapls tel me ur no. so that i can clear my queries nd i hav send all my informa...


geeta balaLoading... 12/1/09

Reply |geeta bala to info

show details 12/1/09

pls tel me ur no. so that i can clear my queries nd i hav send all my information 2 mnths ago including demand draft.. nd i hav got no results from ur side...

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Reply |geeta bala to info

show details Feb 1 (4 days ago)

On Tue, Dec 1 at 9:39 PM, geeta bala wrote:

pls tel me ur no. so that i can clear my queries nd i hav send all my information 2 mnths ago including demand draft.. nd i hav got no results from ur side...

Dear sir,

It's been more than a month that i had send you the required documents along with the DD as required by you. But i have not received any further comunication.

Now it is not the matter of loan it is about my credibility. I have not taken any loan which is showing into my credit history with you, if you have any details which was given to me by SBI that a loan reflecting into my cibil which is not belongs to me, please give me the details otherwise remove that loan from my cibil.

Looking for a fast resolution from your side within a stipulated time, because previously you had given me 5 days time but i have not received any mail or call from your side. I think you are into service industry and you people are representing a good company.

Please look into the matter.

Thanks & Regards,

Geeta Bala

Company: CIBIL
Country: India
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