Citi Bank Credit Card
Fraud by Citi Bank



I am the customer of CITIBANK Credit Card.

I got a call from Citibank on 17th March, in which they said that they are giving me a new credit card which has more credit limit than previous one. This request was not made by me.

They have changed my address and e-mail id with out my notice and had send the new credit card of extended limit on that changed address. And transactions were made on that particular card.

Also, after couple of days, I have received a letter from CITIBANK that your address has been changed from 17th March, which was never requested from my end. And now the transaction amount is expected from me for the card which was never delivered to me.

I have called Customer care many times for this issue and a CITIBANK investigation officer from Risk Management and Fraud Control unit have come to my house in Pune. He has taken xerox of my id proof (PAN card).

No payments were due on my original credit card. This was confirmed by CITIBANK officials only.

And now I got a mail from CITIBANK saying that you have to pay all the outstanding amount from the new card which I never recieved.

Kindly help me out in this case as CITIBANK is not helping me on this issue and they have put the entire fault on me.


Company: Citi Bank Credit Card
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

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Ebooktech pvt ltd
Fraud saalee