Citifinance Consumer services ltd
Fraud by Citifinance


Dear department

Itook loan from citifinance of rs 25000/-with rate of intrest 18% for a year. With this circumstances and conditions I paid Rs. 1528/- per month as EMI I paid 18 EMIs to the Citifinance. Before I got DD On my hand the intrest rate was 18& out as soon as I got DD they declare the intrest rate will 40.01%

So I think this is biggest fraud by the citifinance. I confirm whether all happen is in the frame of RBI rules & regulations.

Company: Citifinance Consumer services ltd
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

Ebooktech pvt ltd
Fraud saalee