Credit Card
Misuse of my credit card



I am holding 4 credit card of different banks and regularly using and making the payment before time for all my cards. But there was big problem with my HSBC credit card.

My credit card was misused for a transaction of Rs. 28, 600/- On. 21.10.2005 one person holding HSBC identity card name Mr. M.R. Bharve visited my residence & informed that my card limit has been increased from 38, 000/- to 50, 000/-.

He was also having my latest credit card statement & the same clause of increase of limit is mentioned on that statement. He told to surrender my old credit card and PIN code and told that you will be receiving new cards in two days. He told that he will collect old card tomorrow i.e 22.10. In morning around 9.30 AM he collected the old card along with PIN code and gave me original credit card statement and also acknowledge the statement as “Received old credit card and PIN CODE” dt. 22.10.2005 and his name Mr. M.R.Bharve.

Around 11.30 AM I received a call from HSBC credit card dept saying there is a cash withdrawal and purchase amounting to Rs. 28, 600/-. I was in office from morning 10.30 AM. I was been informed to make a FIR in police station and submit a copy to your dept.

Immediately I have faxed the letter to HSBC with the above details and the fraud/ misuse of my card To, The Manager (Credit Card Dept), HSBC Bank, Mumbai. Fax no. 24907443 / 24981135. And also asked them to obtain photos of the person withdrawing cash from A.T.M machine which could help every one in solving the case. I was willing to pay the amount utilize by me i.e 14892/- provided you give me the final letter that i am not responsible for the misuse amount and not liable for the same. But the bank officer were not listing any thing and were demanding all the amount.

On 23.10.2005 I went to my local police station and lodge my complain regarding misuse of my credit card.

Immediately on 24.10.2005 I wrote a letter to HSBC Bank and submitted to there Fort office along with the copy of Police complain and copy of letter faxed to them along with the fax transaction report. I also wrote that Never before I have received a call from any of credit card dept. regarding making withdrawal of cash or purchasing, that day as soon as the purchase was made I received a call from your dept. I have doubt that this has happen with the help of your person. Even I have made a purchase of 13, 800/- on 10.10.2005 and have not received any call for the same.

I therefore request you kindly make immediate investigation in the matter, since I am not liable for the neither purchase nor cash withdrawal made on 22.10.2005.

Mean while HSBC wrote me two letters dt.22.10.2005 & 24.10.2005 asking me to pay all the dues immediately. And holding me responsible for all the things. On 07.11.2005 I against wrote a letter and submitted to bank as under :

As desired by you & also promised by me I am enclosing herewith F.I.R. bearing Sr. No. 3095717 dated 27/10/05 (apart from complaint lodged) for your record & doing & dong the needful in the matter.

I acknowledge the receipt of your letters dt. 22/10/05 & 25/10/05 & noted its contents, But not agreeing with your clarifications, needless to repeat again & again, I am not at all responsible & liable for the mishap due to your negligence for handing over original credit card statement to the person who was holding HSBC identity Card, resulted in to false deed of transaction made by your staff who collected credit card & PIN.

You are therefore requested to kindly investigate the matter & settle the issue once for all.

There after banker and there counter part use call me on my cell and at my home and use bad language and force me to pay the dues. They have even send recovery agent at the resident when only my mummies use to stay along in day time and threaten her that if you don’t may payment they will do any thing. They use to ask her for whatever cash is available to handover to them.

On 23.05.2006 one Asst. Manager - Debt Management Consumenr Credit Risk meat me

At my work place and asked me pay the amount along with heavy interest immediately. On explaining him every thing he asked me to give all the photo copies of all the correspondence along with FIR and promised that I will investigate the matter and solve it. On 24.05.2006 I handed all the copies, there after I called him to know the fact, I was sure that the person Who has misuse my card was HSBC employee or may me ex-employee because holding Bank I card with bank logo name and photo for other is not possible.

Even today some of recovery agent call and threat me and my family member for the recovery. Please help me in this matter even today I am ready to pay the amount I have utilize

Please help me.


Company: Credit Card
Country: India
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