Delhi Jal Board
Bill sent including arrears though no arrears are due since last four bills


I am a consumer of Delhi Jal Board Details of my water connection are as under :-

Area :- 4/EZ-2, Sub Area code:- A-5, Water Connection no.:-655

Bills Cycle:- 1). 3, 2). 1, 3). 2 and 4). 4

Bills periods :- 12/07 to 07/02, 08/02 to 07/05, 08/05 to 22/07 and 23/07 to 22/01.

Bills No. : 238729 dt. 17/03, 6192 dt. 23/07, 78614 dt. 13/10 and 211699 dt. 21/03.

The above bills contains arrears of Rs. 2180/- in bill no. 6192 dt. 23/07 and despite payment of Rs. 2076/- made on dt. 27/03, the arrear amount is been shown in my next three bills details of which is above stated. I have already paid all arrears and all dues time to time and due to the mistake in preparing the bill I have to personly visit to the Office of the Jal Board (which is far from my residence) then only I could make payments.

It is also informed that payments of bills as stated above are made on time and a written complaint was also sent to the Office of the Delhi Jal Board, Office at Yojna Vihar, Delhi-92 which was duly received by the concerned clerk and an endosement no. 139 was made over the copy of the complaint.

The details of my bills are as under:

Srl. no. Bill No. Period Amount Payment date.

1. 238729 12/07 to 07/02 Rs. 2180/- Paid on 27/03 vide receipt no. 655

2. 6192 08/02 to 07/05 Rs. 3274/- Paid on 12/08 (Included arrear of Rs. 2180/-)

3. 78614 08/05 to 22/07 Rs. 3184/- Paid on 14/11 (Included arrear as Rs. 2289/-)

4. 211699 23/07 to 22/01 Rs. 4389/- Due date 06/04 (Included arrears as Rs. 2563/-)

Please pay due attention over this so as to solve my prblem as till today the arrear as of bill no 238729 of Rs. 2180/- with other charges is being added in my comming bills while all bills have been paid. This act of the department/concerned official is giving me vey much trouble.

Company: Delhi Jal Board
Country: India
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