Dhanu Placement Service Center
Fraud placement service- taking advance amount and maid abscond next day


One maid servant from Dhanu Placement Service Center, B-436, Bharat Nagar, Near Madras Mandir, Delhi (Mobile No. 08447667387 and 09650330703 of one Ms. Aarti, the Care taker of the Placement Center) on 28th march. The servant named Salina (21 years) was brought to my Karnal residence around 7:30 pm by an accompanist lady named Sunita (Mobile No. 09818727438). As per the terms and conditions of the agency I paid Rs. 26600/- (Rs. 2- as Agency Commission for 18 months Rs. 4000/- as two months advance salary of the maid @ Rs. - per month and Rs. 600/- for their travelling expenditure from Delhi to Karnal and back). Sunita after taking the amount and giving me the receipt left for Delhi by bus around 8:30 pm. Today, i.e. in the morning of 29.03. I and my husband left for our office and around 10:15 am I received a call from my neighbor that the maid has left the house open and going out of the colony. I rushed to my house and found the maid was not there and cash of around Rs. - from the almirah was also missing. I, immediately called the Placement Center on the above mobile numbers and told them the incidence, around 2:00 pm Ms. Aarti told that maid Salina had called and will be reaching Delhi and the placement center will give us another maid in a day or two. But afterwards the all three mobile numbers (08447667387; 09650330703 and 09818727438) are not responding and are switch off.

Thus, I have been cheated with an amount of Rs. 28, 600/-. I request that worthy Delhi Police may trace such Placement centres on the basis of above names, address and mobile numbers as furnished by the placement center and prevent the fellow citizens from going through such agony and loss which I have gone through.

Company: Dhanu Placement Service Center
Country: India
State: Delhi
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