Disababled Compartment
Disabled Pesons are not travel freely by train Lot of disturbances


Dear Sir,

I had a very bad experience on 16th August in 2672 Nilagiri Express (coimbatore to chennai time 8.55 pm) having seat in Disabled Coach).

We had a tension full atmosphere through out the journey. On the next station tiruppur lot of general people are all entered in the disabled coach and occupy all places. We could not get down and have water and food to our choice. We were forced to spend the entire night without proper sleep by the Disabled and General Public who were banging the door in each station. Further, all the tube lights were on and there were no provisions to switch off the lights.

Even the guard and TTR has not come in the compartment, all peoples are occupied space and shouted me. Totaly 8 hours travelleing and not to pend my legs any way, and more pain of legs.

Few more blind peoples are not to go freely for bath room. So please help for the disabled persons, to travel freely on trains without general people disturbance.

We felt extremely guilty to travel in the said coach. We could not open the door and share the accommodation with the Disabled due to safety.

We request the Railway Authorities not to repeat this kind of hardship to the Passengers in general and Disabled in particular.

Sir please take quick response for this and help for the disabled persons.

Thanks and Regards,



Company: Disababled Compartment
Country: India
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Indian Railways
5 minutes stopover for Bangalore City Junction

Indian Railway
Mentall Harashment

Traveling in Disabled compartment

Hcl, HCL EZEEBEE -1115 (computer)
Complaint HCL EZEEBEE carrying serial number 6097AZ176288

Bus Booking
Unable to Board..still no refund

Very bad service


Greenland Journey Pvt. Ltd. 21/45, Top Floor, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008 / India
Distatsteful unprofessional Travel services - Himachal Chandigarh Package

British Airways ticket