Dish TV


I am an existing customer of Dish Tv using an platinum package for past 3 years and I wanted an additional Child connection on my bedroom and for the same I contacted dish tv customer care and placed an order and they send me a technician on 12/07/10.

Now when I wanted to recharge I came to know that the connection they have installed was not child connection and so now I have to pay monthly charge of 325 Rs where for the child connection (additional connection) it is just 160 Rs.

I told customer care that i booked a child connection and the monthly charge is 160 Rs and u are the people who send technician and now how u can say its not a child connection and I am also having a proof of it (application form). They have no answer other then " our system is in update, pls call tomorrow "

My connection is Off now, they have taken a installion charges of 1735 Rs

So inshort Dish Tv is a big fraud company, What they promote or say is to cheat people.

I hereby request to all people pls be-aware and cautious when u want a dishtv connection.

Company: Dish TV
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Thane
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