Election commision
Non Issue of voter ID card


I had submitted my registration form during the assembly election in Delhi but there was a mistake in the voter ID card with some body else s photo printed against my name but still i casted my vote.

I had submitted 6 form since then but in vain as again the same mistake is there. And this time the voter list that i have received for our house i dont even appear on it.

Therefore please advice what should be done as i have been deprived of my right to vote and the ID card is an identity proof which i require urgently.

Company: Election commision
Country: India
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Election commision delhi
Not issuing the voter id card

Steps for free and fair election

ELECTION Office, bhopal, m.p
Complaints & Reviews - Non Receipt of Voter ID Card

Election Commison of India
Complint for the Age correction in Voter ID card

Election Commission of Gujarat
Voter ID Card

Election Commision of India
Enroll my name in voter list and request voter id card