Fraud company
Stallion oil and gas company, UK


My husband also got the same offer letter last week, they are proving to be good, but my brother in London checked abt this company, it is really a fraud company, its head office is in texas, US. no such company exist in the location mentioned in the appointment letter,

my question is, when they can offer 11000 pounds per month, why cant they give all the intial expenses and collect it from us after reaching there, or after getting first month salary? they demand money first, which is cheating, when i enquired in British Council office in INDIA, they said the company has to provide sponsership certificate of a sponsership reference number, if not it is fake. any normal company should have a web site, when i asked by email, they replied saying that web site is under development, so i think, let the web site come first then we can apply, still lots of time available.we can actually take action abt this matter, website we can post a complaint abt this offer letter and post the name of the person and phone number listed in the offer letter so that UK government will surely take action, and im going to do that now, .Mrs Vina Leonard (Assistant HR Manager) Stallion Oil and Gas Int'l Ltd203 Canongate, The Royal MileEdinburgh EH8 8BQ, United KingdomTel: (44) 702-401-1865, Fax :(44) 702-401-1866 proves that this is not fake, having all the proves in writing, i will surely complaint to a big person to take action on this. pls be very very very careful in sending money to some company like this, INDIANS are not fools, we too have brain.

Company: Fraud company
Country: India
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