Hindustan Petroleum
Non attendance of gas leakage


On 4/6 while changing my gas cylinder i noticed that there was leakage, i telephoned my gas agency dubros gas tel no 26163000 which is situited about 200 meters from my house thereafter on 5/6 i telephoned them on numerous ocassions, i was told lies that person would be attending within 5 minutes, however as nobody attended i looked up the website of hindustan petroleum and found the emergency complaint no, of BK enterprises 9890015420, as there was no response i tried signing their online complaints service 'jihan' this service was not working.hindustan petroleum, its complaints center, emergency service, and dealer are a sick joke which is being played on the unsuspecting public, now i want to know whom to complaint to against all these nonfunctioning white elephants thrust on the public.

my consumer no.609625

tel no. 9326949834

Company: Hindustan Petroleum
Country: India
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Bharat Gas
Very very bad service even in single gas connection

Aadhi Bharat Gas Agency in Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai
Gas agency owner is behaving like rowdy and using harsh words

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd & C
RTI Petition-Shanti Gas Service, Pilibhit

Job Seeker
Confirmation of Appointment

LPG Gas connections terminated due to highlighting discrepencies

LPG Connections terminated for highlighting malpractices

Aadhi Bharat Gas Agency in Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai
Poor Customer Service, Using Harsh Words & behaving like rowdys

Hitachi window ac
Non functiong of AC and gas leakage every year since the date of purchase

Poor Services, lesser weight & Misbehave